Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Underwater Pumpkin Carving

This sounds soo cool. I would love to learn some of the ways that people do this. I am sure that there are some who just go underwater with a knife, a pumpkin, and there scuba gear, but according to Saipan which also has a link to a forum some of these guys have actual gear for this.

I think this is probably one of the more interesting scuba diving hobbies that I have heard about so far. I probably won't ever get the chance to do it since I don't live near any good dive sites, and usually don't go anywhere around halloween. Oh well, it doesn't mean i won't try it on something some time though. Maybe I'll get the chance some time. Either way I thought this was pretty cool and will try to look a little more on the forum link. I am at least really interested in what some of the people carved.

1 comment:

scubatripp said...

Yes we had a great time carving underwater and yes some people were very serious about it and brought a wide range of tools to create their masterpiece! Who knew, I've only ever used a butter knife!

There is also a short video of our day at or on you tube

Saipan is a great place to dive and we'll do the pumpkin carving again next year - hope to see you there!
