Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Global Warming Can Blow Me

So check it out, Tribe Films is getting ready to release a new movie December 1st. This Croatian company has gathered some of the best Croatian riders for their sophomore release. These guys really get me pumped to go snowboarding. They are always smiling and look like they're having fun the entire time. I think you will be able to download the movie after it is released.

Living in the midwest I was excited to hear a resort was opening. WildMountain is offically open for riding. However, only a few of the intermediate slopes are ridable and very few jibs. But it's a start.

What really pisses me off is the weather here. Today's forecast, 60 degrees and partly cloudy. Seriously, we aren't going to get snow until January. All the time I read about resorts opening and awesome weather, and here I am still stuck in the middle of fall.

I remember as a kid, it was freezing by the start of November and snowing midway into the month. I remember school getting canceled because of the snow.

Now days we haven't even had a frost, let alone any snow. It is raining at mountains when snow should be falling. If this isn't a sign of global warming I don't know what is. And all you idiots who don't think global warming is real, WAKE UP!

Luckly, Thanksgiving break is coming up next week and I'll hopefully I'll have a few days to get away. I look forward to colder weather.

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